Land buying checklist
Thorough investigation means fewer surprises when you decide to build your dream home. Consider using this checklist to assist in your search for that perfect country property.
DownloadAt some point, just about everyone dreams of living in the country.
While exciting, the decision to move to the country is a major one. Buying, selling or financing rural properties is often different than properties within city limits. In this guide you will find helpful planning tips and practical advice for buying rural land, to help ensure your move to the country is a rewarding experience.
Thorough investigation means fewer surprises when you decide to build your dream home. Consider using this checklist to assist in your search for that perfect country property.
DownloadBuying a rural property and living in the country can be an exciting adventure. Avoid feeling overwhelmed as you begin seeking your dream property by carefully thinking through your purchase decision. The following checklist includes important considerations when evaluating rural properties.
Rural properties can vary significantly. A good place to start is simply developing your wish list. Why do you want to live in the country? What features are most important to you? Be clear about what you want — timber, pasture, hills, flat, irrigated, hunting or farm land. Does your dream include horses or livestock? A view? Close to town?
Some development costs will be incurred on most rural properties you consider. It is important to evaluate these costs in conjunction with your land buying decision, building plans and financing needs. Buying undeveloped rural property can have its advantages since it provides the flexibility to develop the land to your specifications. On the other hand, buying a developed property that has a driveway, well, or electrical service may be more efficient depending on your plans, budget and timeline. If you’re working with a general contractor it’s important they be approved by your lender.
Once you have found a property, carefully inspect it by walking the entire parcel. A beautiful location is just a starting point and it is important to look beyond the aesthetics.
You will need to carefully evaluate the following:
The location of a property is an important consideration for any purchase. A local realtor may be able to provide information about the area you are interested in living and help determine if it meets your needs.
Moving to the country may mean a longer commute, different schools and access to fewer basic service providers. Evaluate the amenities and services available with the rural property you are considering to ensure the costs and availability meet your needs. A few items to consider include:
Ensure the property has legal and physical access. Many rural properties have physical access from the county road. Inspect existing access points or driveways from the public road system to ensure access is adequate for your plans. If an existing access point does not exist, make sure a new driveway will not be cost prohibitive or obstructed by natural obstacles such as cliffs, rivers or other geological features. Check with the county to ensure an access permit can be obtained if an existing driveway is not established.
Some counties have restrictions on where access can be developed. This can be especially true for properties with rivers, streams or wetlands. Verifying legal access is equally important to establishing physical access. Legal access must be verified when properties do not have physical access established or do not adjoin a public road system. Verifying legal access entails verifying that proper easements are in place with the county, private land holders, the state, if public lands, or with other entities. Ask additional questions if the property is only accessible through a private road or across state or federal lands. What kind of access does the existing easement grant? Do the easements allow for future development? What about ongoing road maintenance?
This is perhaps one of the greatest risks for a prospective buyer when considering undeveloped acreage. The cost of drilling a well can be substantial and is primarily influenced by drilling depth. Deeper wells mean larger development costs and a failed hole leads to additional drilling in alternate locations. These costs can add up quickly to a very significant, unexpected expense. Low flow wells are also common in some areas. At a minimum, this will require additional storage facilities and may affect the marketability of the property. Worst case scenario, water may not be found on the property. If water is not found are there alternatives for water such as cisterns? Check well logs in the surrounding area to estimate average flow and depth. This can be done quickly and easily through your state’s water agency website.
Most rural properties do not have access to a public sewer system and require on-site septic installation. The type of septic system available, county approval, and the costs are typically dependent on the types and depth of soil on the property. This is important to evaluate to ensure a septic system can be approved and to better understand the future development costs. A property may not be deemed suitable for a residence if it is unable to support a septic system.
Septic feasibility can be accomplished by performing a percolation test, also known as a “perc test.” A perc test involves digging multiple holes on the property near the potential home site. A county official or certified professional can then perform a soil analysis to measure how quickly and effectively water would drain through the ground to support a septic tank and drain field. Each county has its own requirements for septic approval, inspection and installation.
Rural zoning can significantly influence how the property may be used. Some agriculturally zoned properties may not be developed and/or may not meet county minimum acreage requirements for residential development. Significant differences can exist in the tax basis and assessments on agriculturally zoned properties. Changing the current zoning of a rural property for residential purposes can have tax implications in the form of penalties and back taxes. Find out how local laws and building codes may affect your building plans. Check with your county assessor’s office to answer the following questions when considering building on a rural property:
Power installation is another significant cost of developing a rural property and one that is often grossly underestimated. Is power readily available at the road or close to the desired home site? If not, bringing power to the property may be a very expensive proposition.
Determine which public utility serves the area and contact them to estimate the cost of electrical installation. Also, be sure to ask about rebates. Many utilities offer sizable rebates for installation of the service and use of energy efficient heating and cooling systems. Be sure to discuss these specifications with your builder prior to building your home to qualify for these rebates.
Not all rural properties are farmed, but for those that are, farming can be a great way to earn additional income while maintaining the quality and value of the property. Owning a farm or larger acreage often requires additional responsibilities. This may include keeping noxious weeds controlled, maintaining fence lines, working the soil, harvesting crops, maintaining leases and irrigation and a host of other activities. These activities can vary widely depending on the location of the farm, crops being grown and local farming practices. Understanding these responsibilities, the costs, and rewards is an important consideration before purchasing a farm property.
The following outlines several considerations when evaluating a farm property:
The dream of living in the country begins with seeking the perfect property and evaluating its unique amenities, features and other considerations. When you think you have found the perfect property, get to know it well, ask questions and ensure it meets your needs.