Director Elections
AgWest conducts director elections annually. A stockholder-elected Nominating Committee screens, interviews and selects director candidates for the board positions up for election.
Learn moreAgWest Farm Credit’s cooperative structure with customer-member governance is one of the unique qualities that separates us from other lenders.
AgWest Farm Credit is governed by a 21-member board consisting of 19 directors who are elected by the voting membership and two outside directors who are appointed by the board. Stockholder-elected directors are voting members from each of AgWest’s nominating regions. The outside appointed directors cannot be customer-members, employees or agents of any Farm Credit institution.
The board is comprised of four committees that provide focus and expertise in key areas of board oversight: Audit, Human Capital, Risk and Governance. All policies and major initiatives are reviewed by one of these committees, with actions recommended to the full board for approval.
AgWest conducts director elections annually. A stockholder-elected Nominating Committee screens, interviews and selects director candidates for the board positions up for election.
This charter outlines key governance practices, bylaw and board policy provisions, and other board directives. It also documents board expectations regarding director qualifications, responsibilities, and conduct.
AgWest Farm Credit has adopted this code of ethical conduct which reaffirms the high standards of business conduct required and provides guidance to AgWest and its directors and employees.
The AgWest Farm Credit Board Audit Committee assists the board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to oversee and monitor the association’s audit controls including the association’s,
The AgWest Farm Credit Board Governance assists the board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to oversee and monitor the association’s governance practices and controls and its strategic direction by reviewing:
The AgWest Farm Credit Board Human Capital Committee assists the board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to oversee and monitor the association’s human capital plans and controls including,
The AgWest Farm Credit Board Risk Committee assists the board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to oversee and monitor risk controls including the association’s,