Helping communities thrive
AgWest Farm Credit is committed to improving the economic and social well-being of rural communities.
We are looking for creative and collaborative approaches to address challenges and provide opportunities to people who live in rural communities. This program provides grants to non-profit organizations for projects that improve rural communities within Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. This includes efforts such as building or improving facilities; purchasing necessary equipment to facilitate a local program; and funding capital improvements which enhance a community’s infrastructure, viability and/or prosperity.
Examples of rural community grant projects
- Fire engine for rural fire department
- Multi-purpose community building
- Improving community park facilities
- Computers for a community center’s educational classes
Grant amounts
Maximum grant request is $5000. Due to growing demand, the average amount awarded is between $500 and $2,500. An organization may only be awarded grant funds once per calendar year.
Deadlines and requirements
Grants applications are reviewed monthly. Applicants will be notified within six weeks of the successful submission date. Grant requirements include but are not limited to:
- Submission of grant requests through our online application: Apply here.
- A letter of written support from a current AgWest employee or an active AgWest customer.
- Evidence of financial backing for the project from other sources.
- If the project is chosen, a W-9 or IRS determination letter must be submitted.
The following individuals, organizations or activities are not eligible to receive funding through the community grant program:
- AgWest customers
- Lobbying or political organizations
- Fraternal or labor organizations
- Projects that have raised zero funds before applying
- Projects benefiting individuals, corporations and/or LLCs
- Operating expenses or advertising
- Fundraising events, dinners or benefits
- Travel expenses for individual/groups
- Sports team or camp sponsorships
- Deficits already incurred, loans or debt retirement
- Annual community events
By clicking the Apply Now link you will be directed to our third-party service provider’s website. The service provider will collect certain personal information about you to allow us to review and process your grant application. By completing the online grant application, you intend to interact with the third party for these purposes.
Please see our privacy statement for further information.